The Roman Kit
“Romans don’t believe in half measures and that is why we named the Roman Regimen after them. The Roman Regimen gives you plentiful tools to deliver a bountiful harvest and to give you precise control of the look, taste, aroma and feel of your plants and their fruit. Go forth and conquer!”
The Kit includes all of the nutrients below as well as a Roman feeding chart.
Medusa’s Magic (1 Gallon): an all-in-one nutrient optimized for vegetative growth
Gaia Mania (1 Gallon): an all-in-one nutrient that leans toward bloom growth but can be used full-cycle
Zeus Juice (1 Quart): Humic growth catalyst
Herculean Harvest (2 Gallons): Digested bonemeal designed to promote bigger harvests as well as a root zone flushing tool.
Demeter’s Destiny (1 Quart): adds more diversity to the sources of calcium in the other nutrients in the line and also a way to make the magnesium in your soil available to your plants.
Athena’s Aminas (1 Gallon): a source of amino acids (the building blocks of cells).
Aphrodite's Extraction: (1 Quart): Provides a rich blend of sucrose, glucose, and phosphate to promote a thriving microbial population and strong, healthy plant growth.
The Kraken (1 Quart): Digested crab and shrimp shell product, an available form of chitin, developed to aid in strengthening plant stem and flower sites.
Bloom Khaos (1 Quart): Improves plant health and vigor while reducing stress at crucial times of the plant’s life cycle, such as: transplanting, flower transition, and prior to taking cuttings.
Mega Morpheus (1 Quart): Fully digested source of readily available natural phosphate, and the only guano tea on the market today that is free of grit and sand. Our unique process completely filters out grit and sand, offering a consistency suitable for soil, soilless, and hydroponic growing mediums. Nutrients in Mega Morpheus are made totally available through digestion and chelation, increasing nutrient delivery and uptake.
Poseidonzime (1 Quart): Liquefied seaweed product providing soluble potassium. An excellent natural plant growth promoter, Poseidonzime reduces plant stress while increasing flower clusters and overall vigor in the plants’ reproduction.
Pegasus Potion (1 Quart): A new concept of nitrogen delivery. Extraction through enzyme hydrolysis makes Pegasus Potion more biochemically viable, preserving amino acid integrity by breaking proteins at specific sites. This is the first pure-nitrogen product on the market that is not a salt based mineral or urea-based nitrogen. Incredibly gentle on plants’ foliage and root zone, Pegasus Potion provides a readily available amino acid nitrogen source. Pegasus Potion can be used as an extremely effective foliar spray as well as a root drench to promote greening and vegetative growth.
A little warning to all who are thinking about using Pegasus Potion: IT SMELLS REALLY BAD. We have done everything in our power to quell the stench, and nothing we have tried will mask the smell. Sorry.
Persephone’s Palate (1 Quart): In a feeding regimen, the calcium in the lignin acts as a microbial food while the lignin sulphonate acts as a chelating agent, (large, organic molecules that are used to envelop highly-reactive trace metal ions). The purpose of chelates is to incorporate metal ions like magnesium, boron, and zinc into a soluble but bound form that is capable of supplying nutrients to the plants. As the chelate breaks down, the metal ion micronutrients are slowly released into the soil in a bioavailable form that may then be taken up by the plant.
The presence of Sulfate has been known to enhance the natural aromas and flavors of plants.
Olympus Up (2 Quart's): a pH regulator for your nutrient mix and a pH buffer for your soil.